Labour & Delivery

We deliver at the Rockyview General Hospital

7007 - 14th Street SW Calgary, AB

6th Floor (U62- Women’s Specialty Unit)


RGH Visitor Policy

The current visitation guidelines at the hospital has returned to pre-pandemic policies. Essentially, labouring patients can have 2 support persons with them on L&D. A support person can stay the night with you at the hospital on post partum. Please speak with your maternity physician for further details.

when do i go to the hospital?

If you are >12 weeks pregnant and have urgent or emergent concerns regarding your pregnancy please proceed to Women’s Specialty Unit located on the 6th floor of the Rockyview General Hospital. Our team is on call there 24/7/365. A good rule of thumb is to go to the hospital for assessment if :

  • you think your waters have broken (with or withour contractions)

  • heavy bleeding (a small amount is expected in labour)

  • a decrease or absence in the fetal movements you are feeling

  • you are having contractions and they follow the “511 rule” (ie they are 5 minutes apart, for at least 1 hour in a row, and they are lasting 1 minute each AND they are painful that you cannot walk or talk through them or are having to work hard breathing through each contraction)

  • or any other concerns you have about you or your baby

You do not need to contact your doctor before presenting to the hospital. There is always a physician from our team at the hospital 24/7/365 who will take care of you.

If you are uncertain about what to do, please call Health Link by dialing 811 for 24/7/365 health advice and information.