Frequently asked questions

how do i know if I should be tested for covid-19?

Alberta Health Services has created an online self assessment tool to determine if you meet criteria for COVID-19 testing:

where can i get reliable up to date information on the impact of covid-19 in alberta?

We recommend the resources on the Government of Alberta website and the daily updates presented by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw via the Your Alberta YouTube page.

How do I explain COVID-19 to my children?

The Kids Health website has an excellent collection of videos and resources to help explain coronavirus to your children including their role in preventing spread and the importance of staying home & physical distancing.

what changes are being implemented at the clinic to keep me safe when i come for my visit?

  1. You will be screened over the phone when you book your appointment to assure you are well enough to come to the office.

  2. We are spacing out our appointments to assure there is limited amount of time in the waiting room. You will be taken into an exam room ASAP.

  3. Our support staff are diligently cleaning each exam room after use to minimize any chance of illness.

  4. We are limiting visits with those who are unwell and providing phone consultations instead. If it is deemed necessary for your doctor to see you in the clinic, we have a designated exam room and full PPE (personal protective equipment) to limit viral spread.

  5. We are welcoming support persons back into the office, but ask that all patients and their family members wear a mask. This is in keeping with the City of Calgary Face Coverings Bylaw which became active August 1, 2020.

is there mental health support if i am struggling during the coviD-19 pandemic?

Yes! Text4Hope is a free service providing three months of daily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based text message written by mental health therapists. You can also visit Help in Tough Times where additional free resources are available including a variety of mental health related podcasts and videos for download.